
Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Blog Review From 'Sugar Pop Ribbons'

I love to shop for children's clothes at boutiques. I love checking out the new designs as well as looking through all of the styles the store has to offer……More


Tips on making New Year's resolutions

New Year's resolutions offer the promise of a thinner, nonsmoking, debt-free, more organized you. But when it comes to enacting change, our pledges are often as meaningful as Tiger Woods' wedding vows. That's because resolutions require action plans - without them, they're nothing more than wishes. There it is in a nutshell: Resolutions take work.

For a little motivation on your vow for a fresh start, this article offers suggestions from a few experts who make a living at helping others meet - or exceed - expectations.

Post-Holiday Cleanup: Best Hints

Do you, as many of us do, dread the thought of cleaning up once Christmas is over? These undecorating tips will help make the process faster and more pleasant. Ornaments, lights, decorations – they are all discussed!

Read the full article.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

4 Post-Christmas Organizing Tips

As if the long cold winter ahead isn't punishment enough, you've got a major bummer of a job putting away all those decorations. To the rescue: our Mom Squad organizing expert Kathy Peel, author of The Busy Mom's Guide to a Happy, Organized Home, with tips on how to un-deck your halls and store your stuff so you can find it when you want it next year.

Monday, December 21, 2009

10 Lessons from a Veteran Mom

I'm a mother of three and far enough away from those infant years to look back with...well, I'm not sure I'd call it wisdom. More like 20/20 hindsight. I guess I can hope to put my lessons learned to good use in my next life. In the meantime, I'll do what so many of us veteran moms do: try to warn the women going through new parenthood right now about some of the mistakes I made.

This article presents ten things I wish someone had told me the first time around.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kissy Kissy – Florette and Party Time Collections

New collection posted at Atterdag Kids!

Kissy Kissy Florette Collection 100% Pima Cotton Hat.  Made in Peru.

Part Time!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jamie's Precious Peas Review

Atterdag Kids Clothing – Countdown to Christmas
Atterdag Kids has the capabilities and style to outfit your child from head to toe. They did exactly that to my girls. Myself and my children were nothing but impressed with the selection and quality from Atterdag. ….More…
Featured on Jamie's Precious Peas

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Working Mother: Detox Your World

When we think air pollution, we think outdoors. But the chemicals in everything from beauty products to food to furniture mean the air inside can be worse than outside. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranks indoor air quality—in our homes, cars, workplaces and schools—as among the nation’s top five environmental risks to public health. So how do we clean it up? We make healthier choices for our family and the planet.

In this article, we clear the air by cutting through marketing lingo to help you make confident choices when buying the essentials.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Out-of-the-Box Gift Ideas for Preschoolers

It doesn’t take much to get pre-schoolers jump-up-and-down excited. (Think about the thrill they get from telling that same “knock-knock” joke over and over again).

The trick is keeping them excited. If you want holiday hits that will hold their attention long after the out-of-the-box newness wears off, you’ve come to the right place. This article presents 12 of the most awesome, keep-them-giddy gifts you’ll find anywhere.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to Buy Safe Toys

This holiday season, don't grant your kids' wishes for the newest, coolest toys until you know they're safe. With new product recalls almost daily, trouble with lead-tainted toys from China and studies showing that certain chemicals may be harmful to children, choosing safe and healthy toys can be a daunting task.

So we're here to help you stay vigilant about toy safety. Before you buy, double check that the toy you're considering meets these safe shopping guidelines.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Baby Development Myths Every Parent Should Know

Grandparents, friends, and society flood parents with well-meaning advice, but how can Mom and Dad be sure they are receiving accurate information? With help from Dr. Andrew Adesman and his book "Baby Facts", this article separates baby myths from reality.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Boys vs. Girls: Who's Harder to Raise

I often say that I spend more time and energy on my one boy than on my three girls. Other mothers of boys are quick to say the same. Not so fast, say moms of girls, who point out that they have to contend with fussier fashion sense, more prickly social navigations, and a far greater capacity to hold a grudge.

Stereotyping, or large kernels of truth? Read the full article.