
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sophia, Aiden top list of baby names for 2007

After three years of Emma, it's Sophia's turn at the top of the class roster, joining Aiden for his third stint.

A growing Hispanic population might be credited for some name climbers on's list of the most popular baby names for 2007, to be released today. Sophia has more of a Latin or continental appeal than its proper English successor, Emma. Xavier, Sebastian and Isabella are on the rise, while newcomers to the top 100, to be released next month, include Lila, Maria and Adrien.

But if anything sums up the Web site's latest hit names, it's a hunt for distinctiveness -- a trend that has rendered the annual list way more volatile in recent years than it used to be 10 or 20 years ago, back when Michael could sit securely on his throne for decades.

Experts have seen an influx of untraditional names and alternate spellings, to the point where "unique" has become conventional.

Read the full article

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